Sample SCALE Word output.
SCALE can save calculations in Word (docx) format. For sample output calculations, detailing drawings, analysis runs and plots for over 130 runs of SCALE, LUCID, SPADE and NL-STRESS, please download or open the Word file below. This file is built automatically for each update. This Word file contains bookmark links to allow you to navigate directly to each sample calculation. This file was created directly by SCALE - the feature of saving as Word allows you to easily combine calculations into Word documents.
All drawings (NL-PLOT/LUCID/SPADE) are converted and embedded as svg vector graphics files for crisp display and printing and small file size. The drawings display correctly with the latest Word 2019 or Office 365 subscription on Windows and iOS, however they may not display in older versions of Word/OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
scalesamples.docx - approx. 600 pages, 2MB.